Saturday, November 29, 2008


Because my back's already aching from all the math problems. :-< And I'm not even done with the other practice homeworksssss. Must. resist. laziness. Must. answer. all.

*from Lois.

Name something that made you frown today?
-- The fact that those kids barely have a choice.

What were you doing at 12:00 this afternoon?
-- Cleaning MVP212, laughing, talking about WCG! =))

What were you doing 1 hour ago?
-- Answering math practice homework :|

What is something you will never forget?
-- My birthday. :)) and the numbers of the people close to me.

What was the last thing you said aloud?
-- "Ate."

How many different things did you drink today?
-- 3.

What was the last thing you bought?
-- Grilled boneless chicken from chinky chickens.

What was the last gift you got?
-- Uhmmmmmmm. Birthday gifts last May.

What color is your room?
-- Kadiri white, but it will soon be yellow~

Where do you keep your change?
-- Coin purse.

What is the weather going to be like tomorrow?
-- Not so great, but not that bad either.

Vanilla or chocolate?
-- Vanilla

What are you excited about?
-- Christmas~

Are you very random?
-- Yes.

Do you want to cut your hair?
-- Not really, but my aunt's been telling me I look better with shorter hair. Whatchathink?

What would you do if you got pregnant?
-- Well, I'd keep the baby because of course, that will only happen after I get married. :)

Do you giggle a lot?
-- Mmmm. Dunno.

Do you have plans tomorrow?
-- Call me a geek. I will continue studying. Math. On a Sunday. But we probably will go get some other stuff for the house.

Are you ticklish?
-- Yes, very. I won't say where, but a lot of people know that.

Are you typically a jealous person?
-- Yep. Ask Kevin Pua. :)) Or Odilon Meneses. Or Edrick Santos. Yes, whole names. :))

Are you gay?
-- Gay as in happy, kinda.

Name a friend whose name starts with the letter "c"?
-- Charles

Who's the 1st person on your received calls list?
-- Some unknown person whom Bam texted

What's the 5th text in your inbox?
-- My mom telling me she couldn't shut down my laptop cause it's password protected. :))

Do you chew on straws?
-- No, that is if ever I use one. I'm an advocate of less straw usage. Stop using straws unless you badly need it. I don't know of situations that'll be so, though :|

What is the next concert you're going to?
-- I'm not a concert fan.

What's the biggest disappointment to you lately?
-- :-? Oh gosh, it'll have to be that math is confusing.

How many times have you sworn today?
-- I've lost count.

What were you doing at midnight last night?
-- Trying to sleep

What was the last thing you ate?
-- Marshmallows+ Nutella :)

Have you seen the movie "Dirty Dancing"?
-- Nope

Do you have to do anything tomorrow?
-- Yea.

Is success in your future?
-- Yes. Diretso ang sagot. Haha

When was the last time you copied someone?
-- Uhh?

Are you obsessed over something right now?
-- No, but Jour Dan's been telling me I'm addicted to studying.

Do you have a nickname?
-- Yes. I have lots.

Are you a heavy sleeper?
-- Used to be. Now I'm not so sure.

When was the last time you used a skateboard?
-- Uhmmmm I haven't tried.

When was the last time you said I love you to a parent?
-- I don't think I can remember.

Was today a good day?
-- Yes

What song are you listening to right now?
-- None

How’s school going?
-- Better than last sem.

Are you upset about life right now?
-- Not so :)

What time is it?
-- Time for me to get back to my math problems. Why do you have so many questions? :|

What are you going to do this second?
-- Answer your question, duh

If someone doesn't like you, it's usually because:
-- I'm arrogant.

Last Saturday night you?
-- I forgot. But if I were to answer this tomorrow, the answer'd be...I studied for math. Whattageek.

Do you currently have feelings for someone?
-- Yes

What were you doing this morning at 8?
-- Most probably still sleeping

What were you doing 10 minutes ago?
--Guh. Math still.

Are you angry at anyone right now?

The last person to say they loved you?
-- Mmmmm. hahaha

What have you eaten today?
-- Do I have to say everything? Nutella sandwich, CHOCOLATE SUMAN, grilled boneless chicken, cheeseburger, french fries, marshmallows

What did you do Friday night?
-- Okay maybe Jour Dan was right. I am addicted to studying. (Was reading Eco last night.)

Have you ever been awake for 48 hours straight?
-- Yes, I think. Or something close to it--ITM project cramming.

What did you do two nights ago?
-- OH I for my Asian blank map test.

What was the weather like on your birthday?
-- Great. It was summer :D

Would you make out with anyone on your top friends list?
-- No :|

What does your last text say?
-- Was looking for my dad.

What is the total call time on your phone?
-- Hah? :))

When is the last time you cursed?
-- This afternoon? While we were playing cards? haha

Do you have a dog?
-- Yes, but I don't like dogs. In fact, I don't like animals.

Do you own a stereo that costs more than 100 dollars?
-- I don't know

Do you have a crush on anyone?
-- Happy crushes? Marc Nelson! :)) And a lot of other guys.

Would you like to live in New York City?
-- For a while, yes.

Do you miss someone?
-- Hm yes.

Do you think they miss you too?
-- I don't know

Will you ever speak to them again?
-- Yes

When is the last time you laughed?
-- This afternoon

Have you ever been in a museum?
-- Yes

How old are you?
--SEVENTEEN. Not yet manang. :)) [haha, Roxy.]

Do you plan to go to college?
-- I'm already in college.

Funniest thing you've said in the past 24 hrs?
-- I don't know


Natapos din :|

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