Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Alright, I'll tell you.

This is the first time I'm actually gonna use this spoiler- spoiler 'cause I don't want you reading a preview of my post and thinking ohmygod what did Koko just do. So I'm trying to remove the very least bit of spoilage. I'm spoiling the spoilers. Lemme say that again, just to be sure--I am spoiling the spoilers.

Alright, people, I'll say it now and I'll say it proud.

This morning,

I wet my bed.

No, I did not pee on it. But since 9am this morning I've been crying like a baby. There's no telling why, but I'm assuring you it's now over. I'm sorry for all the crap I gave you if ever you talked to me during my episode. I guess now I can choose the color yellow.

I don't want to be the Grinch who stole uhm New Year so yea.

Happy New Year guys.

and this takes a lot of strength to do, but :)


Imagine! Nine hours of crying. I hope I already emptied all the sorrows I needed to pour out. No more for 2009, eh?

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