Monday, November 5, 2007

you just have to read this :))

or maybe not. haha

okay. so back in junior year, we had a seatwork in chemistry [ did it with therese lansangan-long ] wherein we have to match our answers [ i.e. subscripts of compounds and whatnot ] to a code our teacher gave us. one item's answer was proboscis. its description was 'bornean monkey' so we didn't give a damn about it then. since we're not that good in chem, we messed up our answers and formed titix instead.

now i was reading this adult magazine [ don't ask why. ] and i saw the picture of the monkey, proboscis. here's a picture of one::

HAHAHAHAHAHA. tell me what's wrong with the picture. hahahahahahahaha

alright, for those who just can't get it, let me share with you the description the adult mag gave about the monkey. [ this isn't a direct quote. ]
"proboscis is a monkey with a SCROTUM as its nose to attract the opposite sex"

now if you still don't get it, ewan ko nalang. :)) and titix pa talaga yung nabuo namin e. wahahahahaahahaha

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