Saturday, March 10, 2007 click this.

please be reminded of our thanksgiving party not only for the teachers, but also and more importantly for the non-teaching staff and the parents--the people we seldom thank.

you see guys,there are a lot of things we can thank them for and this very simple party is our very simple way of saying thank you.

for the following class numbers, bring the following. please be reminded that EACH student must bring what is asigned to her regardless of her attendance. but i think we ALL HAVE TO BE THERE.

  • 1-5:: noodle dish good for 25 people

  • 6-10:: pasta dish good for 25 people

  • 11-20::25 sticks of pork barbecue

  • 21-27:: 30 cheese pimiento or hotdog sandwiches

  • 28-35:: three 10-pack box of tetra pack juice[ a total of 30 tetra packs]

  • 36-42:: dessert good for 30 people

  • 42-46(47):: paper plates, plastic spoons&forks, and table napkins good for 50 people.

someone came up to me and asked, "di ba ang dami niyan??PER student?"

now let me explain it to you in the language all of us know.


take for example the baked macaroni. 5 students per section will bring food good for 25 people. that is 5x4x25. that gives us 500!too many?just wait.

there are 163 members of non-teaching and teaching staff who will attend. there are 187 students in our batch. 163+187=350. add to that figure the number of parents coming and the number of people who will TAKE A SECOND ROUND.

so friends, do bring the food assigned to you, and please repost this to any blog or site you have.thank you and good day.

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